Thursday, October 9, 2014

Book Search- "Networks of Outrage and Hope"

One thing that was very difficult about this book search was that many of the books I was really interested in were published earlier than 2 years ago. However, once I narrowed my topic down to social media and social networking for protests, there were many more newer books listed since that is a newer topic. At first I just searched “social media”, but then after looking at further tags on the books I was looking at, I started searching “social networking” which ended up having much more exciting results. The first book I found was, “Social Media Explained: Untangling the World's Most Misunderstood Business Trend”. This book looked very interesting and examined how social media has taken over businesses and marketing these days. However, it seemed like too much of a handbook for businesses and less of an interesting read. After that, I found the book, "Tweets and the Streets: Social Media and Contemporary Activism. This book title really pulled me in because it shows a clear connection between social media and the world. I also liked the idea of social media impacting contemporary activism, so this is when I changed my search words to social networking”. After I went along with this search, I found the book, "Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age. This one definitely won my attention right away. The abstract talked about how social networking is causing the formation of these social movements based on strong communal feelings in different places around the world. The Information Society is becoming more and more global, yet local at the same timeOne of the reviews on this book on Google Books was, “Important book, written at an important time.” This was exactly what I wanted to read about, the important matters of social networking for movements in our current time. So, chose this book and went further into ProQuest and Project Muse to see what they had about it. ProQuest had data on it, but Project Muse didnt. The book is at hundreds of libraries and has a 4-star rating. One journal review I found on the book was through Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society. The analysis talks about Castells ideas and how the social networking of today really does effect movements that have emerged and are emerging. Below is a citation for this review. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Sophie!
I really enjoyed reading about your book search process. The book you ended up choosing seems like it will be very interesting. I remember that Professor Downey actually quoted Manuel Castells in his introductory article that we read for this class. In the quote that Professor Downey used, Castell describes humans as little nodes in society. This concept really stuck with me and is why I recognized your author right away.
The topic of social media marketing has become huge today, and is definitely a growing advertising tactic. I would love to know what you think of the book after you finish because I would definitely consider reading it!