Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Choosing a Book

In an Amazon website, I blindly typed “communication” to search new books related to information society, but the website found books that are only related to communication skills, not tools. The results made me type our origin term, “information society,” that brought satisfactory resources. There were numerous books dealing with information society, but I narrowed a range of them into those that were published in last two years. Thus, I could have found final three books: “The Information Diet: A Case for Conscious Consumption,”
A first book I found, “The Information Diet: A Case for Conscious Consumption” is written by Clay A. Johnson and published in January in 2012. Amazon website sells this book online with the price of $17, and with 62 customers’ reviews, the book is evaluated as 3.8 out of 5.0, which is very fine assessment. It has about 160 pages talking about information overload. I found this very interesting because the author, Johnson made amusing parallels between information and food by mentioning “information diet’ as a metaphor.
A second book I found is called “Social Media Explained: Untangling the World’s Most Misunderstood Business Trend,” which is written by Mark W. Schaefer and published in February 17th in 2014. Amazon sells the book at a very cheap price, $7, and the book has a very nice rating from 35 customers: 4.6 out of 5.0. It caught my eyes because of short description of the book, saying “unravels the most misunderstood and confusing business trend.” This book contains 142 pages, which is less than the first book I chose.

A third book that I will be reading has an interesting title of “Born to Blog,” written by Mark Schaefer, the same author of the second book I chose. The book was published in April 3rd, in 2013, and informs about techniques and ideas to help one create a winning business blog. 30 customers who bought the book gave a high rating, 4.8 out of 5.0, and the book contains 144 pages and is being sold at the price of $8. I could find this book at WorldCat and the result tells me quite few libraries carry this book. I was glad to find words, “online social networks” appeared as a related term because this was what I looked for. When I researched on Google Books, unfortunately, there was no review or articles about my chosen book, but I could find a couple of reviews of the book on Library Thing that compliments the book for an informative characteristics. I am excited to learn management of a successful business blog from this book, “Born to Blog.”
Product Details

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