Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Past posts

It was very interesting to reread all of my past blog posts and observe how my voice has evolved over the semester. I noticed my posts at the beginning of the year were very formal and uncomfortable.  Over the semester, I got more comfortable with the blogging idea and I think I began to write in a more "blogger" type of style.  After reading all of my posts, I noticed that with each blog post, my voice became more relaxed.  I started incorporating humor and let the post flow more smoothly as if I were talking.  Even though my style of writing became more casual, I don't think my grammar or vocabulary worsened.  Then, I compared these posts with my other work.  While I know I spent more time and energy on my other assignments, like speeches and papers, I don't think they necessarily showcased my skills better.  I think both kinds of projects showcase different styles of writings that I have, so I'm not sure if one suits me better than another.  I liked how we had a lot of different kinds of assignments because I think it's important to understand how to write in different formats.  Overall though, I think the blogposts presented myself the most honestly because there were no rules and I didn't feel afraid to say what I really thought.

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