Sunday, September 28, 2014

Over the weekend assignment: Prelinger Archives

The video I chose to see is called "Greater Goal: The Human Dividends from American History." This video promotes the southern industrial industry as a hotbed of enlightened industrial progress in the 1950's. In the video, textile mills are shown in small towns as the center of the community. In these towns, the mills produce goods that are distributed across the whole nation. The video sells the industries to be a great thing to the workers, often referring to the "good life" as a fruit of mans labor in the mills. The video goes inside a mill and explains how goods are made through what looks to be an assembly line. The video then jumps into talking in great detail about the benefits the textile mills bring to the towns.

As I was watching this film, I was able to link it to what a current student would learn about. In relations to the information society, the video portrays the shift of industries to smaller rural towns, it promotes the idea of a better life to the worker, and it also promotes the idea of having more leisure. This film is useful to students because it serves as an example of what postindustrialism entailed.

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