Thursday, September 4, 2014

Patrick Connolly

My full name is Patrick Joseph Connolly. I was originally born in Dublin, Ireland but moved to Connecticut when I was 8 years old. I am intending to be a Finance and Real Estate Double Major. I love to play, watch and read about sports in my free time. Also I thoroughly enjoy spending time with my friends and family. My goals for this year are to learn about all the material in my classes while also getting solid grades. My favorite hang out spot in Madison is the back yard of my fraternity house because of the great view of the lake and the location near the terrace. The picture I attached is my friend Luke and I at a Winter formal during last year.


matthew reich said...

Very Nice to meet you Patrick! You seem like a great guy. I am excited to spend the semester with you in LIS 201.

matthew reich said...
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