Friday, September 26, 2014

Over the Weekend - Tina Ignasiak

While trying to find a video that interested me for this assignment, I had a bit of a hard time.  However, I have always loved travel, and Christmas is my favorite holiday, so I chose to watch the video: Pathe News Christmas 'Round the World (1950), from the Warner Pathe News Corporation.  In the video new correspondents (and their cameramen) from around the world wish the American citizens a Merry Christmas.  This video is very interesting for our information infrastructure because it visually and audibly shows how our advancement in technology and communication can bridge the gaps of countries around the world.  In this video, many of the correspondents speak in the language of the country they are reporting from first, and then translate the sentence, which always means. "Have a Merry Christmas".  This broadcast in different languages from different places around the world would have been unprecedented a decade or so before.  Nowadays, however, this ongoing communication with the world through our television and computer screens in a common and everyday occurrence.  It is great to see the benefits that the increase in information technology has had for the world (rather than the connotation of it taking away jobs), by seeing and hearing many different things, all under the same message of Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

Michelle McGuire said...

This was a good pick Tina! I never would have thought that a video combining clips of people from all around the world would have existed so long ago. It reminds me of the videos news networks make every once in a while of members of the military wishing everyone happy holidays. I think it's a great method to spread holiday cheer and also work as an effective advertisement.