Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Over the Weekend- Prelinger Archives

The Archived film I watched was “Using the Bank.” This movie is about how a typical bank would work before computers. The movie starts with Mr. Adams depositing money into his savings account. It was a very long process that started with him writing a deposit slip, and then he gave the money the teller who had many other processes to complete. It then shows the vault, and then Mr. Adams tries to get a loan from the bank. He had a meeting with the president and it was almost an interview. I think this film connects to the Information Society because after the information society all of these processes would happen instantaneously. First, when we go to the bank we just put our check/cash in the ATM and leave. Moreover, the interview that Mr. Adams had with the president regarding his loan would have been unnecessary if the president had a way to check his credit score online. We all use a bank someway or another every day. Whether its using an ATM, transferring money from our phones, or even using a debit card. These are all examples of processes that are now so easy as a result of the Information Society.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice choice for a video. The banking process used to be so tedious and shows how much we take for granted the way banks operate today. I can't imagine having to use cash and checks instead of a simple debit card like so many people do today.