Monday, September 29, 2014

Over the weekend-Nicki Hulick

The video I watched for this week’s over the weekend assignment was called “Are you popular” (1947); It comes from a collection of videos called Coronet Instructional Films that were shown to high school students in the 1940’s and 1950’s. It was at the beginning of teaching through entertainment, which connects to the idea of a control society. The video analyzes post-world war II conformation in order to belong to the society of popular teenagers, teaching the mass of students’ correct behavior through video. It describes the proper etiquette used to ask girls out and behave when talking to their parents. It gives examples of what you should say to parents, being responsible on where to go and when to come home, saving them from an argument with their parents.  Its closes with “home, parents and personality all help boys and girls to be popular”; correlating good behavior with popularity.

            I thought the exemplifies the control society in way that it was trying to get all students to act the same and behave the way adults would like them to, the reward being popularity. I thought this video was interesting because I could see the relevance of trying to exemplify the respectful teenagers character as popular and successful, in order to teach children correct behavior. I thought this video correlated well with the information society in a way that they used videos in classrooms as a way of social guidance through entertainment. It was the beginning of teaching high schools behavior through entertainment, teaching good behavior to correlate with reward-getting the girl. 


Sofie said...

I thought your blog post about this video was really interesting. It's crazy to think that schools used media to try to shape how the boys and girls would act. These days, it's almost the opposite, where the more you stand out and the more of a rebel you are, you sort of get more respect from people for being different. Schools, however, would never want to show films displaying this because it goes against what the older generations were used to. But other information sources, such as tabloids and social media, definitely help to bring this idea out.

Unknown said...

I Forgot this URL-