Monday, November 3, 2014

Disconnecting Myself

This weekend we were to disconnect ourselves from our phones and anything that connects us to the internet. My experience with this assignment helped me realize that I depend on these devices more than I thought and would like to. At the beginning of the assignment I found it quite easy to get away from my phone. I kept myself busy on Friday evening by going to the gym and then spending time with my friends. As Saturday rolled around, I thought it was going to be simple keeping away from using my devices. I went early in the morning to work then I headed over to the library where I used my computer for around 2 hours for other classes. Later in the evening I was having trouble keeping myself busy, luckily I remembered that I had to start reading the book for out assignment. That killed around 3 hours, then later in the night I went out with my roommate, getting in contact with my friends was not an issue since my roommate and I basically have the same group of friends. As Sunday rolled around I thought I was in the clear, however as time progressed I became eager to check my social media accounts. Ultimately I gave in and my challenge ended at 2:00 pm on Sunday. Overall, I am pretty happy with my results. I like that I was more connected with what was going on around me rather than what was on my phone's screen. I think this challenge was interesting, it teaches us a lot about what our society values more.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is impressive that you were able to disconnect yourself for that long! I was only able to disconnect for a few hours and then I failed. I agree that by disconnecting I was able to connect better with what we going on around me. I realized through this assignment that sometimes I am not even paying full attention to those around me but instead paying attention to pointless tweets and pictures on instagram.