Sunday, November 23, 2014

Over the weekend assignment- blog reflection

This weekend I focused on looking over my blog posts and interestingly enough, I noticed a pattern in most of my posts. Most of the posts were about two paragraphs long, as I read them I noticed that I did not really go into depth with my ideas and or writing style. I feel that the reason why I did this is because most of the assignments were very direct and did not require too much critical analysis. Also, I noticed that the way I present myself in these blog posts is different than the way I present myself in class discussion and my formal papers. The blog enables me to have the most freedom with my writing, but because of that I limit it to only the information that is needed and avoid adding fluff to the posts. In other assignments I tend to be more critical because I have to analyze the content and add my own critique to it.
I prefer to discuss in class or in formal writing assignments because in those I feel like I showcase more of my abilities. Also, when discussing in person I can jump back and forth from ideas and receive input right there and then.

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