Sunday, November 16, 2014

Online Over the Weekend

First off, it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out how this app worked.  It might have been just my phone, but there seemed to be a glitch in the app that wouldn't let me create an account.  After a good 15 minutes of trying to create an account, I entered the list of games I could participate in.  Since I was near Camp Randall at the moment I decided to do the explore Camp Randall game.  I really appreciated the history aspect that this game provided about the grounds around Camp Randall.  It was interesting to learn about this history in an interactive setting.  However, the level of detail in history varied which each aspect of the grounds.  In some cases, the app just showed me pictures of the landmark, which I could obviously see anyway, since I was physically there.  Overall, I thought this app was not that great or revolutionary.  It wasn't a very exciting game and the app doesn't seem like something that will catch a lot of popularity.  The history aspect is pretty interesting, but it depends on the amount of history that each game provides.  Also, not everybody has the time to walk around and listen to an app, so I don't think it will really catch on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I somewhat agree with you on that this applicatoin might be useless unless people care about places. I thought this app could be more interesting to first visitors of Madison.