Monday, November 10, 2014

Manpower Website

Since When I came to America for the first time from my real home country, South Korea, I went to a high school in South Bend in Indiana, I chose South Bend to be my hometown in America. When I typed the city on the Manpower website, I found eight jobs in total; only one of them is permanent, two of them are contracts, and the rest of them are temporaries. First, I could not believe that only eight positions are available in South Bend, and most of them are hiring machine operators and only two of them are each industrial sewer and administrative assistant. Since they are mostly requiring machine operators, required skills seemed to be very basic such as taking care of safety and conducting basic machines.
It was fun to see the list of jobs in Madison, a city I am currently living in, because the list of jobs are much more various than that in South Bend such as auditor, assembler, call center representative, and etc. It provides slightly more jobs, eleven positions, but Madison as well is offering mostly temporary and contract jobs. To me, jobs available in Madison do not require much of professional skills but skills such as driving a car, checking materials in the process of production, and general labor for the service businesses.
If I were to be given a chance to choose a city I would love to live, I would choose Seattle in Washington without hesitation. I could find ten jobs available in this website. Surprisingly, there are not as less permanent jobs as South Bend and Madison offers; the city has five permanent jobs available to job seekers. I wondered what is making this difference and am guessing that it is because Seattle is bigger city than both of Madison and South Bend. Jobs here look like requiring professionalized skills that would be important for jobs such as administrative assistant, customer account executive, permanent placement recruiter, and etc.
I found that this website is very useful for people who need a job in an urgent manner because it seems to not have a specifically common things among jobs available other than that they do not require professional skills.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel the same way about the job postings in Seattle. Although I also did another city that is as big if not bigger than Seattle the results I got were interesting and they seemed more appealing in Seattle than anywhere else.