Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Over The Weekend-Disconnect

Over the weekend, I tried my best to disconnect from my computer and phone, but I gave in during my attempt.  I started off strong on Friday by not using my phone because I set up all my plans with friends before 5 pm.  I thought I had a shot at completing this.  I made it through Friday night without using my phone, mainly because I left it in my room once I left my house for the night.  The next day, I had thought I lost my phone because it wasn't on my charger.  I actually started to have a mini-panic attack.  Once I found it, I totally forgot about the assignment and used my phone the rest of the weekend.  I feel like I could have completed this task if I remembered it, but the fact that I need my phone for day-to-day activities, the assignment just wasn't on my mind.  I realized my addiction to my phone is very depressing because I realistically couldn't go more than a day without it.  If I had to, I could, but it's not realistic with everything I need to stay on top of in school and socially.

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