Saturday, November 22, 2014

Weekend Assignment - Connor Klosterman

                One unique thing I found when going back over my different blog posts was the many different lengths of the blog posts.  I mean it is expected to find different lengths; different prompts should inspire different thoughts and thus different lengths.  It just was something that struck me when I read them over again.  Even though a lot of my blog posts were different in length, I feel I expressed myself in largely the same fashion throughout all of the blogs, which is a good quality.  I enjoy to see my same voice coming out in each of my writings.  I am not completely laid back in the way I write but I am not entirely scholarly either.  I believe it is a good mix of the two that gives me my unique voice on the blog. 
                Along with that voice comes the consistent way of expression.  I am always putting my ideas out there.  I do not believe I am holding anything back, whether that be in person or in the writing on the blog.  I do not often feel the urge to hold back and enjoy to put unique and often not highly agreed upon ideas out in the open.  I believe if you bring about the unusual ideas it creates a situation where there is more flow of ideas which is always a better learning environment, which is what we are here to do so you might as well try to get the greatest benefit out of it that you can. 

                I believe when I write I am able to display ideas a lot better than when I talk about them.  It is a lot easier, for me at least, to be able to express an idea more fully through words on paper than trying to explain them by talking about them.  I think that is so because writing allows me to think out what I am going to say more and be more concise than when I have to explain it by talking to someone.  I thus feel that while I may not be truer to myself when writing than in person, I believe I am better able to explain my ideas in that way.     

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